Mission Statement

To provide the very best customer care and experience and to continually monitor and review our performance levels.
To use only high quality equipment, materials and operating procedures.
To ensure all our staff are trained to an exceptional standard.

To ensure we continually listen, understand and meet all our customers’ needs and expectations.
To always be honest and fully transparent.
To value the power in staff all working together to achieve a common goal.
To appreciate and value all members of our staff and to always share ideas and skill sets.
To work ‘hand in hand’ with our all our customers and suppliers.
To regularly evaluate the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and to take action to continually improve our environmental performance.
To create a culture of diversity, providing a dynamic working environment, where all members are valued for their contribution and individuality.
To support local people and businesses whenever possible.
To continually review existing working practices and to develop new and better systems and practices.
To ensure we are up to date with all new technology and remain competent and compliant.
To enhance all current fire safety systems as technology and concepts allow.
To diversify into new and developing fire safety markets.
To develop and form new business relationships.
To enhance training and staff development.
To improve working conditions.

Rex Group Services Ltd
Mowbray House
18-22 Mowbray Street
Sheffield S3 8EN

Tel: 0044 (0)1142754278
Fax: 0044 (0)1142760456

Email: info@rexgroup.co.uk