Fire Alarm Control Panels
The control panel provides the indication and controls for any fire alarm system.
There are numerous manufacturers of control panels, however there are only really two main types, basic non-addressable (zonal) panels and analogue addressable panels. Certain Control panels can be connected together to form networks, providing much greater fire coverage for large buildings/sites. Control panels can also be connected to Repeater panels or Mimic panels to allow indication and/or control from other areas of the building/site.
Non-addressable (zonal) control panels only provide indication of a fire alarm activation in a particular area (zone) of the building and no event log. The field devices are not intelligent meaning that no calibration or complicated Cause & Effect’ is possible.
Analogue addressable control panels provide exact location of any field device that has activated, this enables much faster search & rescue times and easier fault finding of the fire alarm system. They also allow for complex Cause & Effect’ procedures and have a comprehensive event log.
Rex Group Services Ltd
Mowbray House
18-22 Mowbray Street
Sheffield S3 8EN
Tel: 0044 (0)1142754278
Fax: 0044 (0)1142760456