Domestic Fire Alarms
Domestic Smoke Alarms are self-contained devices that incorporate a means of detecting a fire (smoke / heat detector) and giving a warning (alarm), usually a very loud beeping sound. They can detect fires in their early stages and give precious minutes to enable people to leave the dwelling in safety. Domestic fire alarm devices are often interlinked within a dwelling, this can be achieved either by a link wire or by a radio base that provides a wireless connection.
Domestic fire alarms fall under British Standard 5839 Part 6. There are basically six grades (A, C, D1, D2, F1 and F2) and three categories (LD1, LD2 and LD3) for domestic alarm systems. A Fire Risk Assessment should be carried out to identify which Grade and Category of system should be installed, however guidance is also available by local government building control documentation.
In standard smoke alarms, the battery will need to be replaced every 12 months. However, some domestic fire alarm devices are fitted with sealed 10-year batteries.
Rex Group Services Ltd
Mowbray House
18-22 Mowbray Street
Sheffield S3 8EN
Tel: 0044 (0)1142754278
Fax: 0044 (0)1142760456