Audible & Visual Devices
Audible and Visual warning devices are connected to the fire alarm system. These warning devices are used to alert anyone within the building to follow the emergency evacuation procedure, usually to immediately leave the building and to prevent entry to the building.
There are two main types of warning devices, a fire alarm sounder or bell, that emits a high-volume tone and a visual aid device (VAD) that emits a high intensity flashing light. VADs are usually installed in areas where there is a likelihood of someone being unaccompanied with a hearing difficulty or in areas where a fire alarm sounder alone would not be effective.

Rex Group Services Ltd
Mowbray House
18-22 Mowbray Street
Sheffield S3 8EN
Tel: 0044 (0)1142754278
Fax: 0044 (0)1142760456