Disabled Refuge Systems
Current Building Regulations insist that all new non-domestic buildings with more than one storey provide ‘Refuge’ areas. These areas are defined as ‘Safe place temporary waiting areas, located within a building where people who cannot easily use fire escapes and evacuation lifts can call for assistance and wait until help arrives’. The Disabled Refuge area allows building management and emergency services to assist all people out of a building in the event of an emergency.
Disabled Refuge Alarm System, sometimes referred to as EVC system provide simple, effective wo-way communication in these areas to assist rescue teams in determining where assistance is required and to reassure people help is on the way.
They are designed for use in an emergency when the evacuation of a building is required, such as during a fire condition. Any person requiring assistance for the evacuation will await help in the designated refuge areas. People that might use this facility include the physically impaired, wheelchair users, pregnant ladies, or indeed anyone that requires assistance in exiting a building or area to safety.
A Disabled Refuge Alarm or Emergency Voice Communication (EVC) system enables the ommunication between strategic points throughout the building or site and the central control point(s). The central control point usually consists of a main control panel/s. The control panel features a telephone style handset and some method of operation (such as buttons) and is only used by building managers or other responsible person, such as fire officers. Using the control panel, the operators can communicate directly with users waiting in any of the designated Refuge areas by way of Disabled Refuge Units on the system.
A Disabled Refuge Unit, also referred to as ‘Remotes’ or ‘Outstations’ are one part of a Disabled Refuge Alarm system and are typically mounted in ‘Disabled Refuge’ areas. Disabled refuge units are designed to provide two-way, Hands-free communication between the occupier/s of a Disabled Refuge area and the responsible person/s operating the control panel.
Using the Disabled Refuge unit, the person waiting for assistance can speak directly with personnel in control of the evacuation. This can provide reassurance, keep the person updated with the situation and confirm that help is on its way. It can also be used by trained personnel in sports stadia etc to help ensure the orderly evacuation of people in an emergency.

Rex Group Services Ltd
Mowbray House
18-22 Mowbray Street
Sheffield S3 8EN
Tel: 0044 (0)1142754278
Fax: 0044 (0)1142760456